Monday, February 4, 2019

So What Happened

...So.....Here I am again......I committed myself to writing in my blog, more for myself than anyone, for the month of January, thanks to a little prompting from A.J. Juliani and his challenge to the world (well maybe not the world, but anyone who follows him) to do a 30 day blogging challenge.

Now I could come back on here and give you every excuse in the book why I didn't follow through on the guidelines I set for myself. They are nothing spectacular, nothing new, nothing shocking that when you read them you would say "Oh my gosh, how does that woman even get through the day, she's lucky she can even get a shower taken!" They are excused, pure and simple, and they are mine and I own them. Bottom line, I didn't do what I set out to do with this blog.

So where do I go from here? Do I just give up and never come back? Do I dive in and write double blogs to make up for the ones I didn't write? Nope and Nope. I'm not perfect, never pretended to be, would never want to be, the hiccups in life can be fun! No, I think I'll just keep coming back here, I'll set a new goal for myself, and only for me, and work to stay on track.

I will tell you though, we had 4 SNOW DAYS last week. (so I had no excuse not to write!) Happy February everyone!