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http://jennyluca.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAMR_model.png/203923578/SAMR_model.png |
I have made it my goal to visit with all PLC's in my building about SAMR and am encouraging them to include what technologies they are currently using as we update our backwards design units. There is so much integration going on in our district, but until an individual teacher has the opportunity to step back and look at their own work, they don't see it. SAMR will help them see how far they have come.
BUT (and this is a HUGE but) if a teacher is not making connections and building relationships with students, no amount of technology integration is going to make their lesson better, more retained in the student's memory, or develop of love of learning in a particular content for any student. We can't get wrapped up in things like SAMR or TIM (Technology Integration Matrix) if there is not a clear direction behind them (via +Brent Catlett from #nebedchat), and that should always be student learning, innovation, and achievement.
So while you're worrying about how you're going to integrate the newest and coolest technology tool into your classroom, step back and ask yourself "Is this going to help me develop a new connection with my students?" If it's just for show, or for your administration, why are you doing it? Keep student achievement the top goal for everything you do.