Sunday, December 7, 2014

Searching Google Drive

Many of you already know the basic search feature in Google Drive. And usually we use it when we are frantically looking for a document we needed yesterday and cannot find. But did you know you can filter your search?

When in Google Drive, go to the far right side of the search window, and you'll see a drop down arrow. Gotta love drop downs, there's always more options! Click on it and you can filter your search (see image below) Choose what type of file, what the file opens in, or who owns it.

Search Window Google Drive
Google Drive Search/Filter Options

Now I can't take credit for this little discovery, I was still randomly searching until Todd Segar pointed this out. can filter your gmail search as well:

Gmail Search Options
Gmail Search Options

Oh Thank You Google Gods for helping me find things when I am most frantic (which is most days!) Happy Googling!!