Monday, October 20, 2014

Folders in Gmail

As we transition from Outlook to Gmail more and more as a district, the most often asked question is "Can I create folders in Gmail like I did in Outlook to organize my emails?" Well, yes and no.

What Google has done, instead of allowing you to create folders, they let you create labels, their version of folders. The video below does a great job and walking you through step by step.

This is a HUGE step for me to move away from Outlook and use Gmail more as my primary email. Happy Organizing!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

New Share Window in Google

For those of you that share your Google Documents A LOT, you've probably noticed the share window looks a little bit different, especially if you are are GAFE school. When you click on the Share button, Google now is keeping you within your domain (for me that's the Fairmont Area Schools group, see below) HINT: if you don't see this, click on the green circle in the top right.

Now while sharing with the people within Fairmont Area Schools is all fine and dandy, many times I want my information to be available to anyone with the link and internet access. That used to be a visible option. To get there, click on People at Fairmont Area Schools (or whatever your window shows as your domain) and you'll get more options, but most important you see More at the bottom of your list. Click on that.

You should get a screen like the one below, look familiar??

 Now I can choose my normal settings (Anyone with a link, can view) and save it and continue.