
Monday, November 18, 2013

Things Teachers Aren't Taught in College

There are so many times that students come to us with bigger things in their lives than we can imagine, and many times we have no idea the specifics of the baggage they bring.  Tonight I went to a visitation for 2 of my students's mother.  She passed away last week, having suffered from cancer.  While we all knew at school that she was ill and fading more quickly than any of us could imagine, I cannot fathom what these boys are going through now.

They have put on such tough exteriors through it all.  They had bracelets made to show their support, of which I purchased one and have proudly worn since the day I bought it.  They were not absent excessively and did their best to stay on top of what their teachers were asking of them in the classroom.  Many times I just wanted to stop them and give them a hug and assurance that there are so many people in our building who care for them, are available for them if they need anything at all.

I was able to tell them tonight to reach out to their school family, lean on us all when they need to, and know that we all love and care for them very much.  I was able to give them their hugs, real hugs, tight hugs, so they knew I was not just saying the words, I truly felt and believed them.  It was all I could do to not let the tears welling up in my eyes run down my cheeks.  That's what a teacher feels.  They feel love for their students, they share their triumphs and heartaches  They don't teach us this in college, that's just who we are, we're born this way I believe, and when we need to be compassionate and show our feelings.  We need to show compassion so students know this emotion is out there, that it's real.

As I drove away from the funeral home tears fell down my face.  I'll say extra prayers for these students tonight, and every night for quite some time I feel, as well as all my students carrying baggage I'm not aware of.  May all my students know how important they are to me, how much they mean to me, and how much I pray for them to have lives full of happiness.

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