
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Things I'm Thankful For

Whenever November rolls around, everyone suddenly seems to remember to be thankful for what they have.  While I choose to believe many are truly thankful all year long, the month of Thanksgiving, coinciding with social media and our need to publicize, makes being thankful appear more prominent. I think it's easy to come up with the standards: family, friends, health, etc., and I am thankful for all those things too, don't get me wrong, but when I look around school and the people I spend the majority of my waking hours with, I need to tell them as well.  Every one of  these people have truly changed me for the better. 

We spend more time on average with our co-workers than our own families, but do we include them in our thanks?  Do we think about all that a co-worker does for us?  Or how that relationship develops over time and grows?  We all have people that want us to be better, see the bright side, glass half full, etc., but how many really push you beyond your limits?  Push you to be better than you thought you could?  I work with a number of people like that, and even on my worst day, when I think to myself why am I doing this, I'm so thankful these people have found their way into my life.  Many of my closest friends started out as colleagues, and even as I have changed districts and positions, I have worked to keep those relationships because these people are important to me. 

So since it's November, I figured I would jump on the bus and proclaim my thankfulness to a few of my current colleagues.  While this list of mine should include so many more people, both current and previous colleagues, I broke it down to just a few that made a difference in my professional and personal life at Fairmont.

My Administrators:   Kim is my principal this year, but has been my colleague from the math department for the previous 5 years.  She has been my professional go to person.  I know I can't go to her and let off steam and have it end there, she's going to talk me around, away from the dark side, and help me always see that what we're doing is what's best for kids, which is why I do what I do.  She reminds me of this, and understands there are days we all want to fall below the line, and takes it upon herself to pull me back up above that proverbial line.   Kim replaced Dave, who was our principal the prior 2 years, but was also the district Technology Director and Curriculum Director.  I continue to work with Dave this year as he mentors me in my new position and through the area service co-op.  Dave's knowledge of technology, and calm, level headed demeanor are attributes I aspire to.  He reminds me to step back and look at the big picture, make decisions based on information not feelings, once you make a decision own it (good or bad), and remember that not everyone will like what you have decided.  I am fortunate to have these leaders in my profession and my school district.  Thank you Kim and Dave for being the leaders you are. Thank you for leading me in an upward direction in my career.  Thank you for being who you are and allowing me to be your colleague.

My Colleague:   You know that colleague that is always doing something a little more?  They are the first to speak up about a new topic at a staff meeting because they've already done research on their own and can provide insight?  They're trying new things in their classrooms, scores are improving, etc. Well for me, that's how I see Patti.  She pushes me professionally to be better in all aspects of my job, not just my content area.  She embraces technology, which I love, she's switched over to a more standards based grade book, attends multiple conferences, has been my observer for Q-Comp, and is always sharing what she's doing, that's the best part!  When she learns or hears about something new, I know there are several people on staff that she's going to share it with, myself included.  And then......she checks back in with you to see how the new stuff is going! WOW!  Talk about pressure!  You mean you weren't just telling me this for me to file away somewhere and forget about it?  You seriously want me to do something with it?  DANG!  Well, guess I better get to work, but first.....Thank you Patti for making me think about education in new ways.  Thank you for being a great role model to follow.  Thank you for sharing new technologies that you are learning. Thank you for being you and allowing me to be your colleague, and friend.

My Confidant: When I first started teaching at Fairmont, I felt alone in my little suburb of the building, as I so fondly referred to my classroom.  People were friendly enough, but everyone was just going about their days and I was not feeling a connection with anyone, not really.  Then came Sara.  She is my Suzie Sunshine.  She is that teacher that always has a warm smile and open arms, the kids radiate to her.  I was teaching a large number of junior high age sections of technology at the time, but my preference had always been high school students.  Sara taught 7th grade Language Arts and helped me focus on seeing the humor and joy in their quirks.  It brought me to the point of truly enjoying the goofy, uncontrollable things that happen when you have 30 7th grade students in a room of computers!  Sara has her hands in so many activities at school, it's called the "I Can't Say No" syndrome so many are familiar with.  I admire her perseverance to be involved, and her persuasive personality that has gotten me involved as well.  I've been out of the coaching scene for many years, but have done Knowledge Bowl and BPA, and completely enjoy getting to know students outside of the classroom. Sara is in charge of Student Council, and I can still remember the conversation that got me involved as well, but I don't think I've ever thanked her for including me.  It's been a great experience, and a reminder to me that I need to do more.  Since that first year at Fairmont Sara has become one of my closest friends outside of school as well.  I have always firmly believed that we are put places for a reason, and people are brought to us when we need them most.  I don't know what turns my life might have taken had I not met Sara, I'm thankful I did not have to find out.  Thank you Sara for being an outstanding, personable, outgoing person.  Thank you for being my colleague, my friend, my confidant.  Thank you for allowing me to be your friend.  Thank you for being you!

My PLN:  As I said earlier, people come into your life when you need them most.  In this case, it is a group of people.  I have only met a few of them face to face, but consider them all my colleagues and I go to them for technology and professional development.  These are the people of my Twitter PLN #nebedchat.  It was a complete leap of faith that I got started "attending" this chat, but it has helped me to grow professionally in so many ways that I cannot imagine continuing my professional career without it.  I encourage everyone to find that PLN that helps them excel as a teacher.  Thank you to all of #nebedchat for inviting an outsider with such open arms and minds.  Thank you for allowing me to grow as an educator.

I have only touched the surface here, I am surrounded by a building full of people I am thankful for everyday.  I could go on forever listing individuals that I am thankful for, but now it's your turn.  Dig deep, what are you thankful for that has changed you? What has made you a better person? Have you taken the time to tell them?

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