
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Signs are Everywhere, Are We following Them?

I am a commuter, there’s no other way to put it. I’ve been in education for 18 years, and 14 of those I have not lived in the town I taught in and had to traveled to and from school every day. The past 13 years have been in Minnesota. Some trips were short, only 30 miles or so (one way). The longest was 75 miles. Regardless of how long I was on the road, I’ve seen my fair share of bad weather commutes.  Today was our first snowfall of the season, and as I ventured out before the sun had even crested on the horizon, visions of icy roads, slick spots, spin outs, slides into the ditch, roll overs and fiery crashes all went through my mind, as they do so often when winter comes to bless me and my commute.

Now mind you, I have been in Fairmont 6 years, I pretty much can go on autopilot to and from school, I know my way. Unless there is construction and a detour, I see the same highway, the same houses, drive through the same towns, past the same businesses everyday.  I know where to turn, I know when the speed limit changes, I can tell you where the signs are for all these. But today, with the new snowfall, many, if not most, of these signs were snow covered. This got me thinking, what if someone didn’t know where to turn to go to Fairmont? The sign is covered with snow? How would they get there? I realize GPS is out there for most people, but I still like to see the physical sign telling me where to go, metaphorically. As I drove through town, even the speed limit signs were covered, and I thought “I wonder if I got pulled over for speeding, could I use that as an excuse to get out of a ticket?” “I didn’t see the sign officer, it was covered in snow.” Said of course in a sweet, innocent voice, with a smile and a batting of the eyes just for good measure. I certainly wouldn’t share that I have traveled this road everyday for 6 years and could tell him exactly where he signs are and when the limit changes.

So where am I going with this? We give our students “signs” every day, directions we call them. Do we ever give them the same directions more than once? Twice? Three or more times? I know I have, even for what I think are some of the most basic tasks. And I think to myself why do I have to keep going over this? Am I not getting through to you? Are you just not listening to what I am saying? Do we need some one-on-one time to bond?  Maybe my students are just like me. Maybe, even though they truly know the steps they need to take, they still want a sign available to direct them. Maybe it gives them comfort, reassurance, security. So my ultimate question, What’s wrong with that?

In this age of technology, with information easily at a student’s disposal, 24/7, why do we worry if a student wants to refer back to the directions? Are we still teaching in a classroom where memorization and regurgitation are the only acceptable method of assessing whether learning has occurred? Or have we moved into the 21st Century and are embracing a student’s ability to problem solve and find answers using all resources necessary, even the signs we so willing lay out for them?  Even though I may know the direction I need to take, I take comfort in the signs along the way reassuring me. And in that comfort I find my way, my strength, my confidence, the ultimate tools we want for our students.

What signs are you giving your students?

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