
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Missing the Students

So I started a new position this year, Technology Integration Specialist. I was so excited to get started doing this, sharing new technologies and ideas with the staff, seeing the technology use grow in the classrooms.  While I am still excited about all the possibilities, I find something missing during the day.

While I know I went into teaching because of the students, I never really thought through just how much I would MISS them not being in the classroom all day. Now to be honest, I don't miss all the preparation, grading, emailing, make up work, reteaching, etc. But I miss not knowing the new 7th grade students, hearing about all the silly things going on with students.  I miss not having Intro to Computers/Computers & Careers and seeing 9th/10th graders and how they've grown and matured since I had them in class in 7th grade. I miss teaching 11th/12th grade students about finance, investing, budgeting, and watching them sweat as they try to figure how they will afford the life style they want, and not end up living "in a van down by the river." I miss the daily conversations, what's happening in their lives, and yes, even the drama a little.

As I am learning new technologies everyday, I'm constantly thinking "I could have used this technology in this class or that class!" But I have to remember what I am doing will eventually have an impact on student learning, and maybe in a bigger way than just my one classroom, but for all those students out there that read my blog, I do miss you, you can come visit me anytime!! And bring your friends! And chocolate is always good!

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