
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Reflections from Great Plains Google Summit

Well it's Sunday again, the house is clean, walk with the hubby in, school related work tackled (not the 4th down though, still have a few more plays to try before the balls in my hands), time to sit down with my cup of coffee and reflect on the past week.

I spent most of the week in Nebraska.  Got to see most of my family on this trip, my niece was home from PA with her girls, visited with my brother and sister-in-law, went to Dad's, stayed with my nephew and his wife for 3 nights, I think I hit them all.  And as a bonus got to have lunch with an old friend from high school, what a blast that was to catch up with her!

But for as much fun as all the family bonding was, the highlight of my trip was the Great Plains Google Apps Summit I attended at Southwest High School in Lincoln.  Two days of Everything Google!  Just when I think I have my feet on the ground, I get "exposed" to all this wonderful knowledge and these amazing people out there doing wonderful things in Education using Google this and Google that!  While I have tried to let my brain settle since leaving the school on Friday, I now have to start digging my way back to ground level, decipher all this information and come up with the best ways to share it with the staff at my school (and get their heads spinning before the new school year starts!)

There's the new Google Maps, great for social studies or scavenger hunts, Docotpus and Flubaroo for those using forms for assessments, WatchDoc to see who's editing the documents shared with you, Sexy Undo Close Tab (because it's just cool to say that), Announcify to read the screen to you, and on and on and on.......And then the ultimate session (at least for me) on Google Certified Teacher and Googler Apps Certified Trainer! I am IN! Where do I sign?

There is just something about being in an auditorium full of professionals with the same goal of wanting to my education better.  Next Summer......I'm bringing friends to Lincoln!!

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