
Monday, April 15, 2013

Where has the time gone???

So my intent for starting this post was to actually update it on a regular basis.  As you can see, it's not happening.  School starts in September and I'm off and running.  Now it's April, 5 Mondays left in the year, and I have failed at my own goal. Better late than never, as I would tell me own students.

The tragic events today in Boston bring to mind two things for me.  First, what is happening to our world?  How is it that something intended to be a celebration of health and personal accomplishment can so easily be turned into such tragedy?  There are so many unanswered questions at this point, in particular the who and the why.  But no answers can change the feeling in the pit of my stomach right now.

Second, as all tragedies do, it is a reminder to treasure every day. Never walk away from an opportunity to do something good, to make a positive difference in someone's life.  As I reflect on my day to day routine, I'm going to be looking harder at what I can do differently tomorrow, and every day, to reach those unreachable students, to put a smile on a student's face, to give a colleague a boost of encouragement to try something new, or keep doing the great job they do every day.

What difference will you make in your world tomorrow?

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