Thursday, September 14, 2017

Filters in Gmail

My district is a 1:1 with Chromebooks and we use GoGuardian management software. For those of you that use it, you know that after each class, or session, you get an email with the data what what happened during that hour. Now granted, we are on a block schedule so it's only 3-4 emails a day, but that is still 3-4 emails to sort through.

So I put together a video showing how to create a label and then a filter to send those emails directly to the label instead of the inbox. The technique can be applied to any email that you get on a regular basis.

Keep in mind you can apply this to any emails you get. Hope this helps you organize your emails and become more productive. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Continuing to Persevere

I started this year with Perseverance as my #OneWord. Who would have thought it would have the meaning it does to me today.

I have learned to never say never ever again, because you just don't know what hand life is going to deal you. I have switched schools. I've heard people say I've moved on, moved up, left town, abandoned my colleagues, promoted myself, etc., etc. Bottom line is I have taken a job with a different district 15 miles down the road.

I am starting my 22nd year in education in a new district. The emotions I have experienced since accepting the position have had me on a roller coaster the past three months. This was not planned, I could not have foreseen this, but the card was dealt and played, and I had to pick it up and go for it, Persevere.

So I am sitting in my new classroom, looking out the window (Yes I now have a WINDOW, you have no idea the game changer that is) and mentally making lists of the things I want to have done before students come in two weeks. I think about new teacher in-service starting tomorrow, and the in-service meetings and open house next week. I'm putting together my morning routine and timing how long it will take me to drive to school each day. I feel genuinely excited about the new year, and truthfully it's been a long time since I've felt like this.

And then I stop and think about my former colleagues and wonder what they are doing to get ready for the new year. What new tech tools will the Science guys be trying out? Teachers getting chromebook carts this year, are they excited about the possibilities? My Math neighbors, are they ready to tackle the LMS systems with their students? I haven't forgotten you all, I've just moved down the road.

I have my cup of sunshine, I WILL Persevere.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Your Legacy via #DIJ

Each day I receive an email called the Daily Impact Journal. It's generated through a company called Humanex Ventures. My daughter works there and one of her duties is to create these. Today this was the meme and reflection questions I received:

Reflections to Guide Your Journey
What have you done today to contribute to the meaningful legacy that you are leaving behind?
What path is your team paving for those who will follow in the future?
Do you know what legacy your organization wants to be know for? How can understanding this help you contribute to the excellence of the organization?

WOW! Powerful message for a Friday.I looked at the child in the picture, concentrating so intensely on that sparkler. The symbolism here is not wasted. Each of us, in the big picture of life, has the power to make an impact on someone or something. It's not hard, and I think it's taken for granted most times. Ever step we take, every word that comes from our voice, is making an impact on something or someone.

Creating a legacy is not a lifelong plan, you don't have to conscientiously make those efforts. Of course you can, but you'll be overlooking the everyday actions that say more about who we are and what we do. These are the things that truly make an impression on people, and what they take away. In less time than it takes for the sparkler to go out, you have started your legacy.

Students watch everything thing we do, every where we go, like it or not. In the hallways at school, at the grocery store or gas station, at a restaurant, we are leaving a legacy. So in a blink of an eye, say that positive or inspiring word, give a smile to everyone you see, use Please and Thank You every time, set the expectations of your students high, support and guide them, hold them accountable, celebrate with them each time they achieve a milestone, be a shoulder to lean on during struggles, and make sure they always know you support them, you care for them, that you have their back. Make that your legacy.

Go out today and start creating the legacy you want to leave behind.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

My #OneWord2017

I have been watching my PLN colleagues on Twitter posting their #OneWord declarations for the past few years. I have always been inspired by them, in awe even, of the commitment to one word. Myself, I have struggled with finding that one word to aspire to. Dedicate my time, effort, and thoughts to.

The more I think about my work and my personal life, the struggles and accomplishments, where I've been, where I am today, where I want to be, the only way I can do that is to Persevere.

There are many versions of the definition. A verb, to continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success. Sounds a little depressing doesn't it? To face something difficult and the probability of success is minimum to none? Seriously, who wants to do that?

But realistically, we all do that every single day. I look at my life, where I was a year ago, 5 years ago, 10, 20, etc. There were definitely difficult times, I faced struggles I didn't think I would win, accomplished things I never thought were possible. Is life easy today? No. Each day there is something I want to tackle, to stay the course, to reach a goal.

I will persevere. Each day I will work through the pain in my hand, and move on to the next day. I will defend my curriculum, as it aligns to the business world, to those that have not experienced or even visited my department's classrooms. I will continue to work on my google certifications, in hopes of being a full time Tech Integrationist someday soon. This is what I know today.

Will there be new struggles tomorrow? Of course. Do I know what they are? Not yet. This is what my life is, and maybe yours too. I will not quit, I will face them head on, and I promise you, I will Persevere.